Monday, December 14, 2009

Livermore, CA

After spending a couple days in Tempe, I flew to Livermore, CA for an interview with Sandia National Laboratories. Before interviewing, I practiced my best schmoozing techniques.

The interview itself was grueling, but went quite well. I gave an hour-long seminar, followed by 10 one-on-one meetings throughout the day. The toughest part was dusting off my brain after 7 months of inactivity.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cedar City, UT

On December 8 I began the 2-day drive from Boise back to Tempe. I stopped off in Cedar City, UT the first night. When I woke up, the temperature was 1 degree Fahrenheit. Here's a mediocre attempt to take a picture of my 1-degree breath.

The second day of driving was beautiful, as it passed through southern Utah and northern Arizona, which is full of winding roads and awesome canyons. Google maps claimed the drive would take 9.5 hours, but I did it in 7. Suck it, Google maps!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Palm Coast, FL

On December 3 I flew from Boise to Florida for a Kokondo seminar in Palm coast. When I left Boise that morning, the temperature was 10 degrees Fahrenheit -- a perfect time to head to Florida! The seminar was a great time, as usual. We had a great turnout, and George has an awesome dojo space down there.

On Saturday, the kids broke boards at the end of their class, and then had all the black belts sign their boards. I felt like a rock star.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Boise, ID

On November 29 I drove from Walla Walla down to Boise, ID to spend a week with my friends Vince and Lisa. Being good friends, they provided me with lots of alcohol.

It was a great week; we spent the day doing kata in the living room and doing throws in the garage.

Note the beginnings of an epic beard.