Monday, August 10, 2009

New Hampshire camping, and New Hampshire GI bugs

On August 7, Megan and I went camping at Pillsbury State Park in southern New Hampshire. On the way, we passed through Washington, NH. Apparently, this was the first town in the US to be named in honor of George Washington. This interesting bit of trivia is also an excellent excuse to link to this video again.

After choosing our campsite, we rented a couple kayaks, and while I showed off my rowing muscles, Megan worked on Oar no kata shodan.

It was a nice, sunny day out on Butterfield Pond, and aside from what felt like gale force winds, it was a perfect day for kayaking.

Later, we failed miserably to get a fire going. I blamed the damp wood, but after our neighbor got it going for us in about 30 seconds, I realized how much of a pathetic lump of city-slicker softness I became during my years in Arizona.

That night, the full moon over the water was magnificent, but my camera sucks at taking pictures in low light (see my post from Crater Lake for a good example), so I'll spare you this time. However, I did manage to capture a good image of the morning mist.

All was not hunky dory, however, because on Friday afternoon I came down with some sort of gastrointestinal bug. After 24 hours of fever, 60 hours of diarrhea, and losing almost 20 pounds, I'm starting to look a little like Christian Bale in The Machinist.


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