The rest of the week was pretty lazy. In fact, take a look at this picture here:
You see that red beanbag chair on the left? I would say that 95% of all my waking minutes were spent sitting in that chair. I even rivaled the cat, Spook, who would occasionally move from the top of the cat pole down to the second level, then back up.
However, the week was not totally lost. I managed to score a free day pass to a posh athletic club (all the water in the drinking fountains was filtered), go to a gymnastics class, almost kill myself on a trampoline at Sky High, and actually do some kata.
The seminar with Kaicho Howard was the weekend of June 12-14, and was a whole lot of fun. We did a little bit of everything, but getting the chance to do some randori with Senseis Hallock and Carter was one of the highlights. On Saturday night, we had a pool party at Krisi's apartment complex. Someone before us had put soap in the hot tub:

On Monday, we had a regular jukido class with Kaicho, and we ended up working on seoiotoshi the entire time. To the non-Kokondo folks out there, this is considered to be a good thing.
I stayed with AJ and Fiona until Thursday, June 18. The night before, we cooked up a couple monstrous steaks. Spook looked jealous.
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